Beyond Trees Network commemorates the 2024 UN International Day of Forests: Forests and Innovation

Beyond Trees Network commemorates the 2024 UN International Day of Forests: Forests and Innovation

In Peru, An Innovative Digital Platform Connects Urban Forestry Projects

With: Yamile Sanchez, US Forest Service International Programs/Peru & Raquel Rivera, Ciudad Viva

When:  Monday, February 5, 2024 | 10:00 – 11:00 AM EST (GMT -5)

Languages:  Spanish with English Interpretation

To Attend:

Meeting ID: 878 5464 7437

Passcode: 021150

Across 2024, the Beyond Trees Network and the US Forest Service International Programs are commemorating the 2024 United Nations International Day of Forests through a series of webinars, newsletters and stories—all of which will highlight the work of partners in reflection of the theme: Forests and Innovation.

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Forest Service International Programs are partnering with women and youth-led non-governmental organizations in Peru. These organizations are improving community resilience through urban forestry initiatives. On February 5th , you will learn about the NGO Ciudad Viva and its innovative digital platform, Boskea, which connects different actors leading urban forestry projects across the country. The platform uses data visualization to showcase green spaces and successfully managed “micro-forests.” The platform also strengthens capacities in the management of urban forests through webinars, guides, courses, and other learning materials. Through Boskea, Ciudad Viva has already developed a community of practice of over 500 people across 19 regions of Peru. Participants range from national to local government officials, businesses, students, and local citizens. Join us on the 5th of February to learn more!

About the Presenters

Yamile Sanchez, US Forest Service International Programs/Peru

Yamile is a Youth and Urban Forestry Specialist in the US Forest Service International Programs, Peru. She is a Forestry Engineer from the National Agrarian University-La Molina and has a Master’s degree in natural resource management from Oregon State University. Yamile applies her experience in management of urban forestry projects to support NGO and government partners in Peru.

Raquel Rivera, Ciudad Viva

Raquel is a Project Coordinator for the NGO Ciudad Viva in Peru. She is a Forestry Engineer from the National Agrarian University-La Molina with experience in design and implementation of community projects using nature-based solutions.


Feb 05 2024


10:00 am - 11:00 am